Young Programmer, Ajilore Daniel Aims to Combat Nigeria’s Insecurity with Innovative Crime Reporting Software

In a world where technology plays an increasingly pivotal role, it’s not uncommon to come across young talents who are redefining the boundaries of what’s possible. Ajilore Daniel, a 19-year-old Frontend Software Developer and Data Analyst, is one such remarkable individual.

With a passion for technology that ignited at the age of 14, Daniel has already spent three years honing his skills in the tech field.

Today, we delve into his journey, exploring his academic background, the pivotal moments that sparked his fascination with tech, and the impactful projects he’s been working on. This interview offers a glimpse into the life and aspirations of a young tech prodigy who is poised to make a substantial impact on Nigeria’s future.

Can we know you?

My name is Ajilore Daniel, I’m a Frontend Software Developer and a Data Analyst and I am 19 years old. I have been in tech properly for 3 years already.Tell us about your academic journey

I attended Previc Kiddies Nursery and Primary School where I had my primaries, finished in the year 2015, then I moved on to my secondary school, De Expert Private College started 2015-2020. I then moved to another school St Anthony International School where I had my Final class and had my WASSCE examination. I came out with flying colours (5 A’s in all core subjects area).

During my time at De-Expert Private College, I have excelled academically and have been awarded the opportunity to serve in the capacity of the school principal for a week amongst other notable awards. I also indulged in learning about coding from school through the skill acquisition scheme.

Currently, I am a student at the University of Lagos, Akoka, currently studying Systems Engineering under the Faculty of Engineering.

How did your interest in technology first develop, and at what age did you start getting into it?

The first time I learnt about coding was from movies. Most sci-fi movies and tech movies sprung up the interest in me to asking myself questions like…” How was this app made?” “Who wrote a program to make this program do this”, “How and why is this possible”. As of then, I was mainly having interest but not exercising the interest. I was at age 14. No sooner after then, my school started a new program (skill acquisition) which includes Music, Computer Engineering, Web development, Bead making etc.

I really didn’t even give it much thought before going into web development. I was so certain I had to explore the best of it since it involved the use of computers and I had a laptop I could use as well.

During my time in the school, I was the second best student in the web development class, I started taking online courses to back whatever I learnt in class that day. I happened to work on projects alongside the code instructors who taught me, I was around 16 at this time.

Ever since then, the passion started to increase as well as my interest in exploring the best of the world of tech.

Can you recall a specific moment or experience that sparked your fascination with tech?

I engaged in an open-source project (which means project open to anybody to contribute). It was actually a web project. I needed to add my skills to create some sections and JS functions for the site. I realized there was so much more about what I knew than what others knew and vice versa. The most exciting part of how you can always fine-tune a new technique for solving problems in tech. It is never losing shape. It is fascinating to realize that your method ain’t the best method you can use to solve problems. There are always dynamics.

Can you tell us some of the projects you’ve worked, the problems you tried to solve?

Counselling web app; for teens and adults. Built a recommendation engine for Restaurants. Business Stock analysis.LearnPlanetApp( an app for learning). MeX(this is my current/future project; It’s a voice recognition home AI assistant). I have built several websites for Both small-scale and large-scale. I am also currently working on building a platform like Udemy.

How many programming languages do you know (mention them)?

AngularJs, VueJs, React/Redux, Javascript, Tailwind, Ionic, React-native, Python, SQL, C.

Did your parents have any initial concerns or reservations about your interest in tech, and how did the react?

My parents are the best. They’ve been supportive all the way.Which one(programming language) was initially difficult and how did you overcome it?That must be Ionic. I had the best tutor and mentor to guide me

If given a chance, what problem is Nigeria facing and you will like to use your knowledge to solve?

Nigeria is currently facing many problems. But amongst them all, Nigeria is facing insecurity. I am going to create a software that enables people to report crimes and alert the forces against bad acts and also this software will enable first-class safety for whoever owns it (defense) from a coming attack.

Are you a self-taught programmer? If yes, how did you start?

Yes, I started from school. During the skill acquisition program, I signed up for online courses to better understand concepts and to do more than others in the classes. Ever since then, I have always learned to do research and learn concepts myself.

If you started coding in secondary school, how we’re you able to manage school activities and coding?

Well, It wasn’t so easy. But I would say it still boils down to commitment to a streamlined learning pace. We don’t have coding classes all day only twice in the week. I use most weekends and some nights for learning coding on my own and also revising concepts while I still go about with my school activities in the week.

What are your future aspirations in the field of technology and where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I am aspiring to create AI applications to solve capital goals (like Nigeria). I envision myself owning a tech startup company in the next 5 years through actively learning and researching as a programmer.

As a young Tech prodigy, can you say young people are given chance to operate in the tech field?

Yes sure. Tech is free for all. Besides being young is the great deal to explore the world of tech as early as possible. Welcome to Generation Z.

What advice would you give to young people looking forward to starting a career in tech?

As my mentor would say, If the road to fulfilling your purpose seems easy, you are definitely on the wrong path. The road to success is a rough, buggy road. You have to know that and learn to always work towards being better not the best. Learn to pray as well ooo

What advice would you give to parents?

Parents should be supportive of their children.

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