Rubies Technologies

Top Coding Languages for Kids and Why They Matter

Coding is now a universal tool of the future. It has become an essential tool. At Rubies Technologies, we advocate for “catch them young”, hence, we believe introducing kids and teens to coding opens them to a future of creativity and innovation.

There are lots of coding languages available and it is normal to be confused when choosing the right one. Now, let’s explore the top coding languages for kids and why they matter. At the end of this article, you should be able to decide which you want for your kid.


The first one on our list is scratch. MIT developed scratch. It is a universal programming language that uses drag-and-drop blocks to create fascinating visuals in the form of games, animations, storylines, and so on.

It simplifies the coding concepts by eliminating the need to type out lines of code. With a couple of drags and drops, kids can see the results of their actions. This keeps them engaged for long and encourages experimentation.


It stimulates visual learning and its intuitive block-based interface makes it easy to understand.

It brings out the creativity in kids as they can create their own games, build and design their animated characters, and tell their innocent stories.

Scratch has a virtual community that allows kids to share their projects, collaborate, and learn from those outside their zone.   


This is another powerful but text-based coding language known as great for kids who have mastered basic programming concepts. Its simplicity and ease of readability make it a fit for kids and teens.

Python is widely used for web development, data science and analytics, artificial intelligence, and so on. Practically, it provides a strong foundation for future advanced coding.


Simple to understand syntax

Has a wide variety of application

Easy to find help when stuck with anything on Python as lots of people use it


Just like scratch, Blockly is also a block-based visual programming language. It is highly customizable and can be used to train kids in lots of educational ways. Perfect for kids just coming into coding.


Can be customized based on the age groups and skill levels of students

Enhanced hands-on learning experience

Offers a nice transition from visual coding to text-based coding


JavaScript is often referred to as the backbone of web development. Hence, if your kid has a soft spot for games and online websites, this is the perfect fit for him.  It is an essential coding language for kids interested in website building and game development.


Provides real-world context to learning

Encourages interactivity by providing immediate feedback from coding changes


Swift Playgrounds

Developed by Apple Inc., Swift Playgrounds is an educational tool designed to teach kids Swift programming language. A language specifically used for developing iOS applications.


It is user-friendly with an interactive and engaging user interface

Provides a clear path from learning to application

Promotes interactive learning as kids get to solve puzzles and complete challenges to learn coding concepts.


Here at Rubies Technologies, we believe that coding is a skill every child should learn. It should be their superpower.

Not just that.

Introducing coding to them at an early age will develop their critical thinking, improve their creativity, and increase their problem-solving abilities.

You can let them join us at Rubies Code School and let’s embark on this exciting coding adventure together.

Written by Abdulateef Badmus

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