RubiesTech Foundation Empowers Over 170 Students with Tech Education at Tech Up Bootcamp

In a bid to bridge the technology skills gap among young people, RubiesTech Foundation recently concluded a highly successful coding bootcamp that took place simultaneously in Epe and Ogbomoso from August 14th to 25th, 2023. The foundation, headed by Miss Afape Ruth, organized the event tagged Tech Up to provide youth with little or no prior tech experience the opportunity to learn to code and gain valuable skills for the future.

The coding bootcamp witnessed the enthusiastic participation of over 170 students from both locations. The attendees were immersed in an intensive learning experience where they were introduced to various aspects of technology. The courses offered during the event included Web development, Python & Robotics and Scratch programming. The foundation aimed to expose the participants to a wide range of tech disciplines, ensuring they received a holistic view of the tech industry.

Afape Ruth, founder, Rubies Technologies

The highlight of the bootcamp was the final day, which saw the culmination of the students’ hard work and dedication. Parents and guardians were invited to witness the captivating project presentations that showcased the skills the young participants had acquired over the two-week period. The atmosphere was filled with pride and amazement as parents marvelled at the innovative projects their children had created using their newly acquired coding skills.

Founder, Miss Afape Ruth expressed her satisfaction with the event’s outcome, emphasizing the importance of engaging young minds in the world of technology. She highlighted the foundation’s vision to equip children with technological proficiency that will serve them well in the future, regardless of their chosen career paths. The coding bootcamp not only provided technical knowledge but also instilled problem-solving abilities, creativity, and teamwork among the participants.

Over 200 students who participated in the bootcamp were awarded certificates. Gift items such as T-shirts and school bags were also given to some of the participants.

The event was supported by Kocafe and Python Software Foundation as their backing underscored the significance of collaborative efforts in driving positive change within communities.

The coding bootcamp’s impact extended beyond just acquiring technical skills. It fostered an environment of teamwork and personal growth, as participants overcame challenges and celebrated their achievements together. By empowering these young minds with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly digital world, RubiesTech Foundation’s initiative contributes to the growth of technology literacy and innovation in Nigeria.

The Tech Up is the second edition of the annual free physical bootcamp by the organisation. In 2022, the organisation embarked on the Ijoko Project, a free coding bootcamp for young people at Ijoko Lemode,Ogun state to introduce the kids to tech skills. During the event, many young people with no prior experience in coding were taught and were able to develop the skills. One of the students is  Bambgoye Favour who is now making waves in the tech industry. 

In conclusion, RubiesTech Foundation’s recent coding bootcamp has proven to be a resounding success, bringing tech education to young people who lacked prior experience. The event’s comprehensive curriculum, impressive project presentations, and strong industry support have all contributed to the advancement of technological literacy and enthusiasm among the youth. With the commitment of organizations like RubiesTech Foundation, the path to a tech-driven future looks promising for Nigeria’s aspiring young minds.

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