mental health

Tech & Mental Health: Innovative Solutions for Today

The world is changing. Technology can be a double-edged sword. One minute, it is opening the door to a world of learning and fun, and the next minute, it is adversely impacting a child’s mental health.

That is why coding or teaching kids how to code should be more comprehensive than lectures, classes, and presentations. It should include empowering their mental well-being. 

In this piece, we explore the effects of technology on mental health and offer practical advice for parents, guardians, and instructors to help their children navigate a calm and safe digital world.

Understanding the Impact

Screen Time and Mental Health

Excessive screen time is one of the leading causes of depression, mental health issues, sleep disturbance, and anxiety. Children who spend too much time on screens may also experience reduced physical activity, vital for overall well-being.

To control this, parents should endeavor to set realistic limits on screen time and encourage regular breaks. Promote outdoor activities, physical exercise, and hobbies that do not involve screens to ensure a balanced lifestyle.

Social Media and Self-Esteem

Social media platforms can impact self-esteem and body image, especially among adolescents. The constant comparison with peers and exposure to uncensored photos can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth.

Parents should discuss the realities of social media and the difference between online portrayals and real life. Encourage your child to follow positive and inspiring accounts and to use social media mindfully.


The anonymity provided by the internet can lead to cyberbullying, which can have severe effects on a child’s mental health. According to NCBI, victims of cyberbullying may experience increased anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.

Hence, educate your child about the importance of online kindness and the consequences of cyberbullying. Monitor their online activities and maintain open lines of communication so they feel comfortable reporting any issues.

Digital Addiction

Technology, especially video games and social media, can be highly addictive. Digital addiction can interfere with daily activities, academic performance, and relationships, leading to mental health challenges.

Promoting Healthy Tech Use

  • Mindful Usage

Teaching children to use technology mindfully can help mitigate its adverse effects. Mindful usage involves knowing how, why, and when they use technology and making intentional choices.

Practical Tips

Encourage your child to reflect on their tech use by asking questions like, “How does this make me feel?” or “Is this the best use of my time?” Introduce them to mindfulness apps designed for children.

  • Quality Over Quantity

Quality of the content our kids consume rather than just the quantity of screen time should be studied. Educational and creative content can be beneficial for cognitive and emotional development.

Practical Tips:

Curate a list of educational apps, coding games, and informative videos that align with your child’s interests and developmental needs.

  • Digital Literacy

Equip your child with digital literacy skills to help them explore the online world safely and responsibly. Digital literacy includes understanding online privacy, recognizing reliable sources of information, and knowing how to respond to inappropriate content.

Practical Tips:

Engage in activities that teach digital literacy, such as researching together, discussing online privacy settings, and exploring safe websites.


Technology is an integral part of modern life, offering incredible opportunities for learning and development. 

However, it is essential to be wary of its potential impact on mental health and to guide our children towards balanced and mindful usage.

Here at Rubies Tech, we are committed to teaching kids how to code and promoting healthy tech habits. By fostering open communication, setting boundaries, and encouraging mindful usage, parents can help their children reap the benefits of technology while safeguarding their mental well-being.

Written by Abdulateef Badmus

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