Tech & Soft Skills: The Bromance

Beyond being able to write unique lines of code and build excellent tools, there exist some crucial and must-have skills called soft skills an individual must possess. 

Soft skills refer to personal attributes and interpersonal abilities that complement a person’s technical skills. You use these skills to function effectively in a work environment and build positive relationships with colleagues.

Soft skills and tech go hand in glove with each other and their connection is like wifi and coffee. While one keeps you connected, the others keeps yu going.

At Rubies Tech, we not only teach kids how to code, we understand that fostering soft skills like communication, interpersonal abilities, writing, teamwork, and empathy are fundamental in shaping them into well-rounded tech professionals.

This article highlights some essential soft skills and how to develop them in your child, ward, or students.

Some soft skills include;

Communication Skills

Effective communication is the backbone of successful tech project. Clear and concise communication is essential whether it’s explaining complex technical concepts, presenting ideas to stakeholders, or collaborating with team member.

To build kids communication skills, encourage them to participate in discussions, present their coding projects to family and friends, and engage in storytelling activities. These practices can enhance their ability to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly.

Interpersonal Skills

Tech professionals often work in team environments where strong interpersonal skills are necessary for building and maintaining productive relationships. These skills enable better collaboration, conflict resolution, and mutual respect among team members.

Building interpersonal skills in kids can be achieved through group coding projects, sports, and even community service. These experiences teach children how to interact positively with others and understand different perspectives.

Writing Skills

Writing is essential for documenting code, creating user manuals, drafting emails, and producing reports. Clear writing ensures that technical information is accessible and understandable to various audiences.

As parents, teachers, or instructors, encourage kids to keep a coding journal where they document their learning process, challenges, and solutions. 

This practice improves their writing skills and helps them reflect on their progress.


Tech projects are often collaborative efforts that require effective teamwork. Working well with others, sharing responsibilities, and contributing to group success is indispensable.

Involving kids in group activities that require collective problem-solving can be a great way to build the spirit of teamwork in them.

This can include registering them in coding clubs, letting them participate in team sports, and letting them join collaborative art projects. Right from  an early stage, they should see and understand the importance of each team member’s contribution to achieving common goals.


Empathy allows tech professionals to create user-centered solutions by understanding and addressing the needs and challenges of end-users. It also fosters a positive and supportive work environment.

In a away, empathy also teaches active listening, seeing things from different perspectives, and respecting other people’s opinion. You don’t want all these mising in your child, do you?

Hence, teach your child to consider others’ feelings and perspectives through role-playing activities and discussions about different scenarios. Volunteer work can also be a great way to cultivate empathy.

Tech and soft skills integration

Parents, tech instructors, educators, and teachers play a pivotal role in balancing the development of technical and soft skills in  children. While this may seem overbearing and difficult to achieve, we have curated some strategies to achieve this integration:

Model Behavior

Demonstrate the importance of soft skills through your actions. Show active listening, effective communication, and empathy in your interactions.

Provide Resources

Offer books, games, and online resources that promote coding and soft skills development.

Create Opportunities

You can set up situations where your child can practice these skills, such as coding challenges that require teamwork or projects that involve presenting their work.

Offer Constructive Feedback

Provide feedback that helps your child improve their technical abilities and interpersonal and communication skills.

Spark Conversations

Talk about the “why” behind the code. Who uses this app? How does it solve a problem?


Combining hard and soft skills creates a powerful flow that drives innovation and success. By recognizing the importance of soft skills and actively nurturing them alongside technical education, parents can prepare their children to become competent coders, effectiveive communicators, empathetic team players, and well-rounded individuals.

At Rubies Tech, we are committed to fostering these essential skills to help our young learners thrive in the tech world and beyond.

Written by Abdullateef Badmus

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