Tech Creativity Innovation

Empowering Kids & Teens with digital skills to help create innovative ideas and build solutions with various technologies

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Students Taught Onsite
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Online Students
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Weekly Online Code Classes

Register your child for our Summer of Code Program

Engage your child this summer with our summer of code program. This is an opportunity for your child to learn valuable tech skills during this school break. Click the button below to learn more.

What we Teach

We are building Innovators

Block-based Coding

Visual block-based coding. We teach them how to develop games, animation among other projects. At this stage they are introduced to software such as Scratch, Sprite Lab which are software that helps young learners learn how to code, arranging building blocks (leggo), thereby building amazing things like games, quiz applications, and animations.

App Development

We teach mobile app development using block-based programmings such as App Inventor, Thunkable, and App lab. This enables kids and teens to build applications they can launch on their mobile devices.

Python Programming

Python is one of the top leading programming languages today. Python is used for web development as well as other fields as data science and machine learning.

Web Development

Developing a website involves a series of stages that ranges from developing a simple single static page of plain text to completing web applications for businesses and social network services.


Learn how to build beautiful websites, blogs, or online shops with the World's most popular Content Management System (CMS)


Learn how to set up online shops and collect payments for your products from any part of the world using Shopify

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